[ENGLISH] Online Gambling Reach Out from Informal Sector Workers to Legislators

Not long ago, a video went viral in public showing PDIP Party member of the Jakarta Greater Area’ House of Representative’ member, Cinta Mega, playing games on her tablet during a plenary meeting.

Soon after, netizens were busy commenting on the video circulating, it was suspected that the game played by Cinta Mega was no other than slot gambling. This council member was evasive and said she was only playing the Candy Crush game.

This avoidance provoked a strong reaction from contemporary gamers, especially the young generation who know well about online gaming. The denial from netizens became viral decoding that the games displayed on the Cinta Mega tablet were not just ordinary games.

In the aftermath of her inappropriate actions, Cinta Mega was fired by the PDIP DKI Jakarta branch’s plenary meeting and made an inter-time change. This decision was conveyed by the Chairman of the DKI Jakarta PDIP DPD Adi Widjaja (Tuesday, 27 July 2023).

Nonetheless, gambling via digital channels is now just like mushrooms emerge in the rainy season. Rampant on various websites, gambling, which was previously done face to face, can now be done just by pressing the screen of a cellphone and computer connected to an internet connection. A journal article entitled, Pencegahan Tindak Pidana Perjudian Online, written by Muhammad Yanuar Vernanda Saputra and Edi Pranoto, states that online gambling is very difficult to eradicate because it spreads very quickly. Likewise, this type of criminal act is very difficult to eliminate in society because the character of gambling has an individual decision in nature and a high privacy for users. Because of this, online gambling is very easy for perpetrators to do. Various kinds of games are available, namely: poker, soccer betting, lottery, fish shooting, slots, and other similar things.

Currently, online gambling continues to offer various kinds of games so that the gambling player does not feel bored. Of the various games, slot gambling is one of the games that online gamblers love, because this game is easy to play and the winning prizes given are very large with relatively light betting costs.

In fact, the legal rules of online gambling are clear. The crime of online gambling is prohibited in accordance with Article 27 paragraph 2 in conjunction with Article 45 paragraph 1 of Law No. 19 of 2016 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions, which is strengthened by Article 303 of the Criminal Code and Article 303 BIS of the Criminal Code.

On the corner of a street in the southern part of Jakarta, the afternoon was close to ending. A small crowd of three people occurred. They smiled while looking at the cellphone screen in one of them's hands. A customer who was observing their behavior asked whether the three of them were smiling. One of the three immediately answered, and put up a number on the cellphone. An instant later the crowd became silent again as they returned to their respective busy lives.

The customer who was still curious the next day came again. Luckily the atmosphere was a bit quiet and there was only 1 waiter at work. This curiosity was resolved a little when he got an answer. This waiter had been playing online gambling for a long time. A certain amount of money has entered his account ranging from hundreds of thousands to millions of rupiah.

In fact, the money that goes into his account from online gambling is quite useful for him because it can increase the amount of money transferred to his family in the village. In fact, he was sure that the money was allowed (halal) because it was handed over to the family. “It's different if you do it for your own extravagant in the city”. The short conversation suddenly stopped when another customer had just arrived asking for his hair to be cut.

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